The Kings River Conservancy is grateful to the many organizations who partner with us to support the Kings River. Long Live the Kings!
Department of Natural Resources and Wildland Fire
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Central Valley Community Foundation
The Conservancy works closely with the Central Valley Community Foundation to secure and manage a variety of grants as well as our non-wasting endowment.
Fresno County Parks and Recreation
Fresno County Department of Parks and Recreation have partnered with the Conservancy on Thorburn Access Park and the North Riverside Access Park. Both parks are on county land and maintained by the Kings River Conservancy through an agreement with Fresno County Parks and Recreation.
Mission to conserve agricultural and riparian habitat through voluntary conservation easements that ensure the viability of the farms and ranches throughout the Kings River watershed.
Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation
Fresno Fly Fishers for Conservation work with the Conservancy to raise funds for the Frank Jones Memorial Enforcement Fund. The FFFC are also partners in the implementation of the Ted Martin Family Grant Project that will remove invasive species, restore the original genetic strain back into the river that will increase the rainbow trout population of the Lower Kings River, and add additional funds to the Frank Jones Memorial Enforcement Fund.
Jimmie Morales/Sierra Fly Fisher Tours & Yosemite Rivers Fly Shop
Yosemite Rivers Fly Shop is the base of operations for the Sierra Fly Fisher Tours guide service; one of few permitted service within Yosemite, Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. They are also valued, long time supporters of the Conservancy. We are proud to have Jimmie and the crew as partners. www.sierraflyfisher.com and www.yosemiterivers.com.
Kings River Basin Water Authority
Kings River Conservation District
The Conservancy has partnered with the Kings River Conservation District for development of the North Riverside Access Park at the base of Pine Flat Dam. KRCD also serves in an advisory capacity to the Conservancy Board of Directors.
Kings River Fisheries Management Program
The Kings River Fisheries Management Program works in partnership with the Conservancy for the implementation of the Ted Martin Family Grant Project that includes an incubator house (hatchery) facility which gives the project control of the genetic characteristics of fingerlings to be released into the river. The project selects and purchases trout eggs (over a twenty year period) with the goal of producing the most adaptive, best suited eggs for the Kings River that will once again, as it did fifty years ago, result in a superior strain of rainbow trout.
Miramonte Sanitation
Miramonte Sanitation donates a dumpster to help keep our beautiful Kings River clean.
Mullholland Farms supports the Conservancy with annual donations to support projects and education.
Otis Booth Foundation
Reedley Veterinary Hospital
The Reedley Animal Hospital supports the Conservancy on an ongoing basis with donations of materials and dollars for maintenance of the access parks, fundraising events, and day to day operations.
Running Luck Ranch
Running Luck Ranch supports the Conservancy with annual donations to support projects and education.
(In particular, information regarding the Yokut Indians)
San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust
State Department of Boating and Waterways
The Department of Boating and Waterways has partnered with the Conservancy to develop both Thorburn Access Park and North Riverside Access Park at the base of Pine Flat Dam.
State of California Natural Resources Agency
The California Natural Resources Agency supplied 100% of the funding for the North Riverside Access Park, which opened in the summer of 2012.
State of California Wildlife Conservation Board
The Wildlife Conservation Board was a major funder of the first Conservancy project, Thorburn Access Park.
Ted Martin Family
In 2011 the Ted Martin Family chose to support the Conservancy with a grant that goes to support and expand three innovative Conservancy programs; the Rainbow Trout Improvement Project, the Invasive Species Removal Program, and the Frank Jones Memorial Enforcement Fund.
Thorburn Family
Margaret Thorburn was the founding president of the Conservancy and helped to establish the non-wasting endowment that supports ongoing maintenance of the access parks and other Conservancy projects and operations. The Thorburn family continues to support the Conservancy as we grow and plan for expansion of programs and staff.
The development of the Kings River Wildlife Area is complete and the Raptor Walk open.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service