Additional access points along the Kings River are maintained by other organizations. A list of those access points will be updated ASAP along with links to learn more about each area.
A 120-acre Fresno County undeveloped park in the Kings River flood plain, China Creek consists of remnant Valley Oak woodland and savannah which once stretched out into the valley as far as Tulare Lake along the river. In addition to oaks estimated to be at least 200 years old, the park contains two ponds, open for fishing, provides habitat for a great variety of birds and mammals, and has an informative signed nature trail.
Sequoia Chapter and California Native Plant Society, now joined by Kings River Conservancy, has been working to restore the park, as nearly as possible, to a natural condition since 2004.
The park is undeveloped, with no restrooms, barbecues or play structures. It does, however, provide a great variety of ways to experience California's natural flora and fauna.
Fresno County Greenbelt Fishing Access
Frustration Lake (Easternmost Section of Choinumni Park)
Kings River Wildlife Area - Army Corps of Engineers
Kings River Conservation District All Access Fishing Area
Pine Flat Handicap Fishing Access
Sanger Unified School District Nature Center
Smith's Ferry Park
Winton Park