Frank Jones Memorial BBQ
A huge thank you Jimmy Morales and all of our donors for supporting our endeavors!
​​Fishing Trip tickets are available each December! Check back in November for more information.
The following is a testimonial from George Pilling, winner of the 2020 Yellowstone trip:
Fly Fishing Yellowstone with Jimmie Morales
"My son, Sam, and I arrived at Cabins West Lodgings in West Yellowstone on August 18. Jimmie rents some very comfortable rooms there. After getting settled in we talked with Jimmie about the next few days and where we would fish. He knows Yellowstone well, so had lots of ideas and recommendations, which we took. We left daily before 8 although Jimmie is flexible about start times if you want to sleep in for some reason. Driving anywhere takes a while, so we were on the water by mid-morning. We caught fish everywhere we went. Lunch was whatever we brought with us and we were ready to quit by late afternoon, depending on the length of the drive back.
Our best day was the last, when we drove to the Snake River near the south entrance of the park. It was a 2 hour drive, made longer on the way back by people watching a pair of elk grazing along the Firehole. Jimmie is a dry-fly guy whenever possible and that fit in perfectly with our style. Jimmie is easy-going, helping out when needed but otherwise just taking us to hot spots. He led us to beautiful pools where a good sized Cutthroat would swallow our flies every tenth cast or so. Highlights were the 21 inch finespotted Yellowstone Cutthroat I caught on a #16 parachute Adams I tied, and Sam catching a 17 incher twice – he almost had it to net on the way in but it escaped with the fly. Three hours later, on the way back, he fished the pool again and got his fly back by catching the same trout.
My wife, Carol, accompanied us and although she does not fish, she enjoyed her free days exploring the area. Yellowstone has lots to offer, and Jimmie’s guiding makes the fishing rewarding.
The easiest way to get to go on the trip is to buy lots of raffle tickets. Think about how much a fabulous fishing trip like this is worth, then spend that much on tickets. Even if you don’t [win] you will be supporting an important cause."