Grants and Support
Many of our projects and programs could not have been made possible without the generous support mentioned below. We invite you to learn more about these generous supporters.
Thorburn Family
After many years of partnership in the Thorburn River Access Park, the Thorburn family has now generously donated another 17 acre river-front property to us in order to advance our educational and research goals, while continuing our partnership with the Kings River Conservation District. We have named this fabulous resource "The Thorburn Preserve". This land will serve educators and researchers on a project by project basis. Reach out to our education professionals with questions and ideas for projects. We thank the Thorburn Family for their ongoing generosity and dedication to the Kings River!

Ted Martin Family Trust
The Kings River Conservancy is grateful for the continued support, through the Central Valley Community Foundation, of a substantial Ted Martin Family Grant. The funds support and expand three innovative Conservancy projects and programs. These include: Trail Improvements, the Rainbow Trout Improvement Project, the Invasive Species Removal Program, and supporting the Frank Jones Memorial Warden Fund. Click on the link below to learn more .

SH Cowell Foundation

The Kings River Conservancy was seeking to expand education programs and had a fabulous volunteer grant writer, Donna Waddell, who found the Cowell Foundation grant opportunity through the Central Valley Community Foundation. With our mission in mind, we made contacts in Sanger Unified, and with other partner agencies such as KRCD, Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Army Corps of Engineers, and applied. It turned out that Sanger Unified was a school district of special interest to the Cowell Foundation and our mission aligned with theirs; and, thanks to support from Cowell, we were able to hire an education director and start field trips at North Riverside. During the COVID restrictions, we pivoted to DIY field trips, placing interpretive signage along the trails and tending the trails to accommodate the increased traffic of people coming out to the safe and natural spaces along the Kings River. Tentatively safer, post-COVID, field trips are once again ramping up and teachers are becoming enthusiastic about this natural resource in their backyard. We are grateful to the Cowell Foundation for supporting us through this challenging time and are confident that many families benefited from the resources we were able to provide thanks to their vision.