Volunteer for
Fish Surveys

The Kings River Conservancy partners with the Kings River Fisheries Management Program,,, Join us for a day or two … or six... to come fishing as part of our annual survey. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, an aspiring environmental professional, or an experienced professional, this is a terrific opportunity to spend a day in the river networking with a great bunch of people and learning about the fish found in the Kings River.
We need volunteers to help with the survey. All volunteers must be 18yrs or older and in good physical condition. Please note, due to liability issues, volunteers not employed by KRCD, KRWA or CDFW will not be allowed to operate the backpack electro-shockers.
All necessary equipment will be provided. This includes waders, wading boots, and safety gloves. If you have them, you are welcome to use your own bibbed waders (clean and dry if used in other waterbodies) and felt bottomed boots (for safety reasons no rubber outsoles are allowed). Participants should prepare by dressing in layers as the weather can be unpredictable. Sunscreen, hats, jackets, and a spare pair of dry socks are recommended. Most importantly, you will need to bring your signed waiver of liability!
Volunteers will assist agency staff with establishing the survey reach, netting stunned fish out of the river using a long-handled dip net, and transporting captured fish up the survey reach in either a 5-gallon bucket or 32-gallon trash can.
E-fishing is an all-day activity lasting from approx. 9:00am – 3:30pm. While adverse weather or other unsafe on-site conditions may cause last minute cancellations, we typically survey rain or shine. We will notify participants as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation. Volunteers may sign up for one day or for multiple days as desired.
All sites are located along Piedra Road between Winton Park and the Hwy 180 Bridge, Fresno County. Maps and directions will be sent out to all people who express an interest in participating. Please note that volunteers for the Avocado Side Channel will need to meet at the entrance to Avocado County Park by 9:00am so that you may be escorted through a locked gate into the site. Also, low clearance vehicles are not recommended for this site.
The annual electro-fishing survey provides the Kings River Fisheries Management Program with a snapshot of the fish assemblage present, population estimates for the species present in sample sites, and the health of rainbow trout within the fishery.
If you are interested in volunteering, please send an e-mail to lwerner@krcd.org with the dates and times you are available. You may also contact Lori Werner at Kings River
Conservation District at any time with questions or concerns at 559-237-5567 extension 122. Volunteers will be placed on the KRCD contact list and a second e-mail will be sent with directions to the site, safety information guidelines, and a waiver of liability that must be signed to participate. You may also directly contact the KRCD website at https://krfmp.org/volunteer/ for additional dates and volunteer opportunities. (This link will leave the Kings River Conservancy website, and take you directly to our partner Kings River Conservation District!
We hope to see you at the river!